Sunday, February 17, 2008


I am thankful for many things these days....

The past couple of weeks, I have made some amazing progress in my life in my steps towards "getting out of the pit". Last week I started my new job at the insurance agency. I really like my job and have made some great progress on learning the logistics and practices of the office and am excited to get settled into a routine. Now when I wake up in the morning, I no longer dread the day, I am excited for what lies ahead now that I have a purpose of getting up. The people I work with are wonderful to me and we seem to be getting along well and having a good time. I am so thankful for my new job.

I just started going to a new church called Perimeter Church. This church is astronimcal in size and can intimidate you when you first get there. However, with any large church the rule of thumb is you must get involved in a smaller group such as Sunday School, Discipleship training, etc. I, however, have found a great community in that church called the Genesis class. This group is a support/recovery group for the seperated/divorced. This morning was my second time meeting with this group. I have finally found a church that is just that A Church! The first time I went to this class, I felt so welcomed and not like an outsider. These people really reached out to me and made me feel like we have known each other for quite some time. It is so great to finally be around a bunch of people who know exactly what I am going through, feeling, struggling with. For the first time in my adult life, my week is spent looking forward to going back to church. I am so thankful for the Genesis class and for Peremiter Church.

Currently, I am staying with my sister and her family as I have previously mentioned. My sister has been so amazing to me and I truly believe, if it wasn't for her love and support, I would not be here today. She is not only my sister but she is a very dear friend to me and I appreciate her so much. I am so thankful for my sister and her family.

So that's the update from my world. Needless to say, I am finally filled with joy and peace in my life. I still have a long way to go, but now I have the tools to help me get there.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Birdie Boot Camp - Day 1

I received some great advice from one of my aunt's regarding "George". I've had George for over a year now and have been unsuccessful in teaching him to trust me. Basically I found out that I have to force him to like me! So today is the first day of birdie boot camp for "George". I took him into the small bathroom and let him out of his cage for him to start flying around. The trick is to not let him land anywhere except on my finger or on me. He was really stubborn and persistent but so was I. Ultimately he started giving in. I spent about an hour with him and he is learning that he can trust me and sit on my finger. He even found a spot in my hair that he enjoyed sitting in. My sister Janice also had the "privilege" of holding him. This is a milestone in me and "George's" life. I think after a few days of doing this with him, he will finally like me whether he likes it or not!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Boo Yah!!!!!

This morning was just another day of job hunting thinking same 'ole same 'ole, at the end of the day, nothing! So I thought! After 7 long, grueling months of endless job searching I have finally landed a j-o-b!!!! I will be working at the GuideOne Insurance agency in Lawrenceville, my dad's old agency. I've always heard that sometimes it's not what you know, but who you know and luckily for me, it's the latter. I don't care, it's a job! I am soooooo grateful for Libby Westbrook for giving me this opportunity and allowing me to prove myself to her and the new agent that has taken over Dad's old agency. I start Monday morning and am confident that I will be a valuable asset to their team. I will be a customer service rep and hopefully will be allowed in the near future to atleast get my subagent's license if not my agents license. This will give me so many opportunities to help them redevelop this office after the agent turnover they have had just recently.

The Lord has really tested me these past several months during this challenge in my life but He has faithfully provided as He always does. Thank you to all of you have been praying for me during this need in my life, I couldn't have done this without all of your love and support. As Janice said in her email today "Praise God from whom all blessings flow!"

Monday, February 4, 2008

Let's give it a shot

Apparently, blogging is "the thing" to do to keep people updated on what's going on in life. My sister and my sister-in-law have blogs that I enjoy reading just to see what they have to say about whatever is on their minds. So...I thought I might give it a try. However, at this point in time, I don't have an exciting, action-filled life so it will be difficult to come up with something to blog about. But I do have things that to pop in my mind out of the blue so I will try to use those to blog with, not to mention those "blonde streak" moments I have that we all enjoy!
Interesting enough, something to blog about just occurred. Thanks God! Okay, as you may know, I have been "nomadding" for the last few months. At this time, I am staying at my sister's house and sleeping on her couch. With me, I brought my parakeet which Hayden has named "George". Poor George has been cooped up in his cage since atleast July and not been able to spread his wings and fly. Today I thought I would open his cage door to see if he would feel comfortable to come out and get some exercise. I didn't think he would since he doesn't reallyknow this house yet. Well, I guess I was wrong. The bird has flown the coop! Momma is so proud!